forsaken home

utorak, 11.11.2008.

Fora sa površine mora

Jednom davno u iza 7 brda i 7 živica
našao sam nekoliko pivca.
Sve su bile prazne,
što ih je popilo lane.
Kupio sam vino
koje je bilo jako fino.
Popio sam jučerašnje mlijeko
koje je ostavio uskršnji zeko.
Pogledao sam kroz prozor
i vidio sam Šljive,
a pokraj njih su bile otrovne gljive
Otvorio sam vrata,
Koje je obojio tata.
Izašao sam van
i otvorio pan.
Pio sam polako,
kako bi bilo lako.
Napio sam se od jedne pive
i pojeo otrovne gljive.
Trčao sam do kuće
jer me jako vuče
Otišao sam na WC
i bio lagan ko perce.
Izašao sam na zrak
i pitao sam se "kak?"
Otrčao sam iza kuče
jer me opet vuče.

11.11.2008. u 22:55 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 10.09.2008.


Idu 2 medvjeda mostom. Jedan padne u Savu a drugom mama radi u kiosku.

Ivica ima 5 kuna, Marica 10. Koliko ima baka Zlata?

Zasto mujo ima 2 kugle u sobi? Kako bi znao gdje je treca.

Kako cete prepoznati majmuna? Recite majmune i onaj koji se okrene on je majmun.

Kako mozete prepoznati da je nekom sila na WC? Upisat ce se u gace.

Ivica i Marica odgovarahu zemljopis. Profesorica pita Ivicu "Sta se događa 356 dana kroz godinu?" Ivica kaze "Zemlja se vrti oko sunca". Bravo Ivice. Pita Maricu "Marice znas li ti sta se dogada kroz 0-24 sata?" Marica kaze "Znam. Moji mama i tata se igraju roditelja".

Malo za mozgati... Covjek i auto(u autu je covjek) se utrkuju tko ce prvi doc do cilja. Ako auto i covjek krenu u isto vrijeme i auto ide krivudavom cestom, a covjek samo ravno i izracunano je da ce se oboje nac na raskrizju u isto vrijeme. Tko ce prvi doc do cilja?(odgovor cu napisati 12.9.2008).ako zelite mozete i vi svoje odgovore napisati u komentar.

10.09.2008. u 21:28 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 03.09.2008.

1. dan skole

Kada sam usao u skolu znao sam da ce biti dosadno. Upoznavali smo se sa nekim profesorima, a s nekima smo pricali o tome gdje smo bili preko ljeta. Na satu hrvatskog smo ponavljali glagole... Na biologiji smo vec dobili zadacu, iz matematike moramo zavrsiti ono sta smo radili na satu, a iz povjesti profesor je stalno vikao. Svi su mu zivci pukli. Najveca dosada u zivotu.(mozda kasnije bude i dosadnije)... Sretno u 2. danu u skoli.

03.09.2008. u 09:51 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 01.09.2008.

Holy Demon (Demantus)

The Legend about Holy Demon is that he was a human and he died on Island far far away from land. On that Island he made his grave. He lay down in his grave and died.

Because he was bad in one part of life he was send to Hell.

The Devil sad that he can get back to past and re correct it. 1 year he helped him self in past. When he completed his mission he had to die again to enter through Heaven's gate.

When he got to heaven God sad him "You will be Holy Demon, you will help all living creatures." "Your name will be Demantus.". "Go With peace young man".

Now he is some were on the Earth. Maybe he is your best friend.

01.09.2008. u 18:06 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 26.06.2008.

The pirate story

I have added 2 more little texts 9,10.

One day Captain of pirates Endimion came to cursed island. He didn't saw that there are mutant animals and other tings but e didn't afraid eater. They built a house. Few days later captain saw mutants so he told them „We must make strong weapons for those creatures“.
They started. But weapons didn't killed them , weapons are to weak. The are walked few hours.
Then they saw a gold but they need weapons not money and golden weapons are heavy too.
The saw strange metal. It is easy to carry. They cant melt it. That metal calls animals. „Run save your heads“. Everyone ran to different places on the island. Some of them ran into cave, some into boat and some into woods.

Captain ran into cave but there were spiders and their queen. He took a sword and trowed it into queens eye , other mans trowed sword too . Then they ran to boat there was giant sea turtle Matronie was her name . Other pirates were dead . Matron ate them alive . Then they ran into woods . They saw mutant bugs and queen of ants Eleria. „From worse to worse“ . Captain: „Are We a pirates ?“ crew : „ yes we are“ , captain „Then attack those beasts“ . Captain was crazy but they didn't have to attack for now ants ran of the fight . Birds came. They don't have queen they have a king Ferilomon .

Pirates ran to the mountains there was very cold at night and snow was falling, but at the day light there was a grass a big grass . They saw a nest but it was empty. There was no birds and
no other animals so they've build a house with grass and roof with leafs . They were thirsty. Water was near them, animals were too . And they could not go near river . But some of them tried.When animals saw them they ran into abandon turtles house . Animals didn't go, they watched them . Another day Endimion with crew grab some water and ran into houses animals fallowed them , so another pirates ran from turtles house and saved their lives . Another day they needed food so they went went into woods for some fruit and rest of animals .

They found some good-looking fruit but Endimion sad : „We will took only known fruit„ .
Teltar didn't listen he ate that fruit and he didn't feel good then the ants came they ran back to house with everything what did they found . Teltar was Endimion's son . Endimion and 10 pirates taught he was dead . But he came few days later , He was good . He discover that animals and other things don't like smell of that fruit . There was very little of that fruit on the island . Every day they learned something new . How to get water on easier way . Where are places with best fruit and meat .

They saw ship and they ran to it . But there was Matronie and she destroyed the ship . Some of them saved their heads some of them died . Then Endimion saw there was 7 live people . But ants and spiders killed 4 of them . So there were only 3 . He looked better there were 3 woman .
They saved them . Woman asked them „what are these creatures?“ . Endimion sad „They are giant beasts“ . If you want survive you must be close to us .

The crew found cave. But there was to much dead bodyes so they couldnt live in there. One of them was the biggest pirate in the past. Alendor was his name. He was good with prisoners he caught. He talked with them after few years he let them go or if they wanted to be the pirates they have joined him. He had last fight here on this island and he had 600 pirates with him. But he fought with bugs not with men. Endimion: „What is this?“ Onilma: „It looks like rare metal“. Endimion : „ That is why they died. The metal.“
Crew: „The bugs are coming“ . They ran deep into the cave. They couldn't breathe because of bodies. But on the floor was hole so they fell in. It leaded to the other part of island.

On the other side was quiet. They found ancient book. In book were draws of animals and they weaknesses. But there were only 3 pages. That couldn't help them much. Night was getting closer to them and spiders were hungry. They ran into the hole on the beach. When they woke up whey saw big worms and eggs near them. They move slowly through hole. When they went out of the hole they ran to the rocks. They went fishing.
After fishing they had to build new house with spikes around them. Endimion and his son went look for food. Crew looked for flowers and women cleaned the house.

The birds ate worms and there was something left by the birds. The crystal of life. It could revive 2 dead men or animal. All of them went to the Alendor's corpse. Scorpion was on his corpse they scared him away with fruit. And revived Alendor and bring him to the house. Alendor woke up and screamed. He look around. Endimion and women came. Endimion: „ Are you okay?“. Alendor: „Yes. Where am I.“ Endimion : „you are on the cursed island we revived you.“. Alendor was sad because his wife(Selanu) was kidnapped by ants. They explained him few things.

Other morning Alendor grabbed his sword and went hunting animals. When they woked up they saw that he isn't in his bed. They called him. But he was deep into the forest, he couldn't hear them. At midnight he came back with slugs meat. They cooked it. It tasted good. Alendor say them about his past...

He had his enemies souls in his cursed sword. His greatest enemy was hydra Fenteral. It was great duel between them. Alendor won with 1 tooth in his arm,1 leg. His wife had bad felling . She died when ants took her to their cave. She screamed and screamed bud they came when she was dead. Then ants attacked them. They retreated to the cave of dead. 100 years later they revived him.

To be continued...

26.06.2008. u 20:34 • 9 KomentaraPrint#

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